Rubik's cube and variants.
The Rubik cube is a representation of a stack of smaller cubes making one
larger cube. The original Rubik cube looks like a stack of 27 cubes
arranged in 3 layers, each layer being 3 lines of 3 cubes. In reality,
this is not the case as only the initially showing outer faces all round the
cube are ever visible. The 'internal' faces are not proper faces, but
shaped as part of the mechanism which holds the whole object together.
This does not mean the physical size of the whole cube, but the number of
'elements' (i.e. apparent smaller cubes) making up each dimension of the cube.
The original Rubik cube was size 3 (3x3x3 in appearance). Then came
a smaller 2-cube. Rubik launched a 4-cube (Rubik's Revenge) and, later, a
5-cube (Professor Cube). Now there are even larger cubes available called
V-Cubes. Cube sizes 2, 4, etc are even-sized cubes, and 3,5, etc are
odd-sized cubes.
The individual smaller 'cubes' are called elements and for solving purposes are
of 4 types:
Corners: every size cube has exactly 8 corners and on each
corner there are 3 faces showing.
Edges: these are elements between adjacent corner cubes and
have 2 faces showing. The number varies with the size of cube.
Centres: these are elements in the exact centre of a face
and have only 1 face showing. Even cubes do not have centre cubes while
odd cubes have exactly 6
Middles: these are elements with only 1 face showing but
which are not in the exact centre of a face.
Centres do not need to be solved as they effectively stay in the same place
relative to each other. Therefore, for cubes with centres, the centres
show what colour each face has to be.
The 2-cube has 8 corners and nothing else.
The 3-cube has 8 corners, 12 edges, 6 centres, and 0 middles.
The 4-cube has 8 corners, 24 edges, 0 centres, and 24 middles.
The 5-cube has 8 corners, 36 edges, 6 centres, and 48 middles.
F = Front face - the face straight in front of you as you look at the cube
B = Back face - the opposite to the Front face
L = Left face - the face on your left as you look at the cube
R = Right face - the face on your right as you look at the cube
U = Up face - the face on the top as you look at the cube
D = Down face - the opposite to the Up face
For some solutions the move is from a position in one face - the Source - to a
position in another face - the Target. These are called S and T and will
vary depending on circumstances.
Just naming one of the Faces by its letter means a quarter turn clockwise
of the relevant Face. Clockwise means in the direction the hands of a
clock would move if affixed to the face in question. Thus, for example, a
clockwise move of B would be physically in the opposite direction to a clockwise
move of F: that is to say that F requires the top of the Front Face to move to
the right as you look at the cube from in front whereas B requires the top of
the Back face to move to the left as you still look at the cube from the front.
For an anti-clockwise move, the letter is followed by a negative sign.
Thus L- means an anti-clockwise move of the Left Face.
For a half-turn, which is the same whether clockwise or anti=clockwise, the
letter is followed by number 2 (effectively meaning 2 quarter turns).
Thus U2 would be a half turn, or 180 degree turn, of the Up face.
In sequence patterns the move directions may be separate from the Face
identities. In these cases, clockwise moves are identified as + or as 1
while anti-clockwise moves are - and half-turn moves are 2.
For the S and T Faces, these will sometimes be inner slices - i.e. not one of
the 6 standard Faces. If the slice is between U and D, turn the same way
as D would turn, and if between F and B, turn the same way as B would turn.
For some of the earlier stages of the solution you are expected to use your own
logic. If you cannot work out these simpler stages for yourself, solving
the cube becomes just a memory process with no real understanding of what is
happening. These notes on solving the cube are aimed at those who can get
so far with their own logic and need help with the later stages.
There are sequences of moves - perhaps 4, 8, or even more, when some short
method of remembering them will help. For these, other letters are used.
For example, P means a series of 4 moves being 2 clockwise turns followed
by 2 anti-clockwise turns. This can be written as ++-- and as P stands
for Positive this helps to remember that the 2 positive (+ = clockwise) moves
come first. We add the relevant Faces after the P, and if there only 2
Faces identified we repeat the Face pattern until we have 4 moves. Thus
PUR means U+ R+ U- R-. In general, if fewer Faces are identified than
the number of moves required, just repeat all or as much of the Faces in order
to reach the required number of moves (and repeat several times if necessary).
Similarly, therefore, N (for Negative) means --++ and NUF would be U- F- U+ F+.
This method of using a letter to define a series of + - or even 2 moves helps
to remember quite complex sequences.
My full list is:
P = + + - -
N = - - + +
Q = + + - - + - - +
W = 2 - 2 + 1 - 1 +
G = 2 - 2 - 2 2 2
Z = - + - 2 + - - 2 2
J = - - - + + - + + -
{note: J is - followed by -(Q)}
This is a sequence operating on the top corner cubes to twist them so thast the
correct colour is uppermost (on the U Face). If a corner is not correct,
it is manipulated from a position at top right (junction of U F and R). A
turn of either F or R will place the correct colour on U. This is called
A (Away), and moving it back again is called H (Home). There is a
corresponding A and H being the same type of move on the other face (i.e. if
the first A is applied to F, the next is applied to R and vice versa. The
AAHH pattern, therefore, is either R F- R- F or F- R F R- depending
on the required start move as explained above.
The full AAHH... process is:
1. with first corner needing twist in top right
position, do AAHH twice
2. move U so that the next corner needing twist is at
top right, and do AAHH twice
Continue until all corners needing twist have been done.
An edge which needs to go onto U from F can be moved simply by first moving the
slice which is parallel to U and which contains the edge so that the edge is
out of the way ( i.e. no longer on F), then bring the destination edge place
down with either F or F-, move the slice back again so that the required edge
is returned to its former position, and finally performing F- or F to undo the
previous F move. This is the logical process described below in doing the
Horseshoe and its opposite face. BUT this disrupts an edge in the bottom
layer, so a special sequence is needed to protect that bottom edge, as follows:
Move required edge onto U but ensure it is the wrong way round (F or F-)
(This brings the bottom cube which needs protection to the
space previously occupied by the relevant edge)
AWAY: Move the slice with the protected
element sideways out of the way
BACK: Return the required edge to
its start position
AWAY: Now move that slice to the side again
TURN: Turn F again to bring the ultimate
home of the required edge down to the receiving slice position
INSERT: Move the slice with both the relevant
and the protected edges back to the front
RECOVER: Turn F to get desired result
SOLUTION - Standard 3-Cube (3x3x3), LAYER BY LAYER
1 Bottom layer: Logic
2 Middle layer
a) Logic method to place edge from top front centre edge to
relevant middle edge:
B2 D2 to put bottom layer safe
F or F- as required
D2 B2 to recover
b) If this would disrupt already positioned edge:
PUR NUF (top front centre to right middle)
NUF PUR (top right centre to right middle)
3 Top edges orientation
Flip opposite edges (back centre and
front centre) with B PLU B-
Flip adjacent edges (bach centre and left
centre) with B PUL B-
4 Top edges position
Leave left centre still and rotate other
three clockwise with WUR
5 Top corners
Position with QURUL (leaves front right
and moves others anti-clockwise)
Twist with AAHH...
1 Bottom corners (oriented to Centre colours for odd sizes): Logic
2 Top corners
a) position: QURUL (U face)
b1) twist: one by one with AAHH...
b2) twist 3 clockwise (ULB junction
unchanged) with WUR
b3) twist 3 anti-clockwise (ULF junction
unchanged) with (-W)UR
b4) if need to twist 1 clockwise and 1
anticlockwise, do b2 with the corner needing anti-clockwise in the safe
postion, and then do b3
3 Top edges (start)
Horseshoe pattern: Use logic to complete 3 of the 4 edge
lines on U
4 Bottom edges
Turn cube over so that D face becomes U face and the
incomplete edge from what was U and is now D is facing forward.
Use same Horseshoe logic but make sure the incomplete D
(ex-U) edge is always kept facing forward as it will get disrupted.
5 Finish Top/Bottom edges
Turn cube over again so that D (with one edge side
outstanding) reverts to U: Use IN AWAY ... Sequence
6 Middle edges
1) Central line as Source and Target
a) to flip right
side edge on F use GRS
b) to move 3 edges
round cyclically use ZRSRF
2) Other (non-central) line
a) move right side on
F from lower position (Source) to upper position (Target - same distance from
central line): GRS
b) move 3 edges round
cyclically on Source: ZRSRF
7 Remaining middles of just one face: Logic
8 Remaining middles of all other faces (or can use this throughout if not
able to complete 7 above);
a) determine Source and Target to move
one middle from U to F. The start and end positions of the identified
middle must be equidistant from the UF junction and line up across the centre
point of the UF junction either diagonally or straight
b) move U clockwise to give a revised
c) the S (Source) and T(Target)
slices are those running left to right in their relevant planes, thus S is a
slice parallel to F and T is a slice parallel to U
d) JUSTS will move relevant middle
element from revised S position to Target position
Siamese Cube is fully joined across one whole junction - not the staggered
It is necessary first to establish which colour face goes where. By
counting edge cubes you will find two that are 'short' (because they are
excluded by the junction). Arrange the Siamese so that the 'short'
colours are positioned correctly relative to both the junction AND the
conjoined corners.
1 Bottom (con-joined) layer: logic
2 Middle layer
a) get 2 adjacent edges in postion by the 'put safe' logical
method of the standard cube
b) the other two edges must be put in together by the same
To achieve this, flip and/or move the edges while on the top
layer (with the conjunction at the front) to get the desired relative positions
and orientations
Flip using:
B D PLU PLU D- B- to
get same efect as standard B PUL B-
B D PUL PUL D- B- to get same effect
as standard B PLU B-
note: doing PLU twice
or PUL twice to achieve the other's result is because doing just once moves one
of the bottom corners. By doing twice, the corner is repositioned again,
although it does get twisted: ignore this because it gets sorted out later)
Move using WUR (with conjunction at left)
3 Top edges orientation
Flip as above
4 Top edges position
First look at the top corners.
These will be correctly positioned relative to each other, but may need
twisting. Using the positions of the corners to determine the correct
relative positions of the edges, use WUR as above, moving U as necessary if
repeats are needed. It may be necessary to do this several times so as to
get one of the edges correct first and then complete the remainder
5 Remaining corners.
Corners will now all be in their correct
positions but some may neeed twisting. These may be in pairs (one needing
a clockwise twist and the other anti-clockwise), or trios (all needing twisting
in the same direction) or a combination of these. With the Siamese
positioned so that the junction is through the L of the upper section
and the R of the lower section, the move described below will twist the
pair of adjacent corners located at ULF and ULB of the upper section. ULF
will twist clockwise while ULB will twist anticlockwise. If necessary,
moves corners to get them in the correct starting position, do the twisting
move, and restore to original positions. If corners need to be twisted
the same way, do one of them by this method, then pair the other up with a
different corner and do it again. And so on...
The twisting sequence is:
WUR followed by (-W)UR (i.e change all +
or 1 to - and all - to + on second complete pass)